Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Top 12

welp we are down to the top 12. whose going home? more importantly...which 2 will we we not have to sit and watch in the tour this summer?
remember this week ONLY 1 Person is going home! so no more safety net, you either get a point or you dont.
good luck!


  1. Favorite of the Year: Alex Lambert. There's gotta be a way he comes back. Watch, I bet they bring him back some how. Dammmmmmmmit. I hardly care about this show anymore.

    I thought overall it was a pretty decent show. Siobhan is weird, no doubt about it, but she may very well be sticking around for a while.

    Going home: Paige Miles. She did well, I just don't think she'll have the votes. And after last week, who the hell knows, she may be winning this thing.

  2. I think they finally are getting together. maybe. My favorite of the night was Lee.. he did play Beast of Burden. Love it.

    I think that Andrew Garcia is going home. He just hasn't found his thing. I agree with Burton. If we learned anything from last week its that you can't pick this thing. Its anyone's game... or maybe just Crystal's as all the judges say.

  3. I really like Lee and Crystal this week.

    I agree with Molly, we will see ya Andrew Garcia.

  4. Eeek I've been nervous to pick, but I suppose I pick Andrew to go home. I really do like him but after that performance I just dunnnooo....

    Looved didi again last night. She's so great!

  5. Ahhh... Last week was a tough, tough beating for the whole gang, that's for sure! I am sticking with my guns, and I reeeeeeeally really liked Crystal! She's the poop, so take a biiiig wiff! haha. I also am liking Lee the more and more I watch him. You go, Glenn Coco. And I will also add that Aaron Kelly and Katie Stevens kind of make me want to pull my hair out, but I believe they're safe due to their cutesy appeal- they will stick around, unfortunately.

    Therefore, I am going to go with Lacy Brown that will be going home. Although, I do agree that Garcia needs to seriously get it together and step it up!

    Side note: Allison: Although I still side with Simon on the iffyness about Siobhan and the fact that she is an odd duck... She has been on fiiiiiiyaaaaaaa! (fire). hahaha.
